Scientific (Refereed) Articles (Some articles are available for online viewing, as PDFs, or both.)
- Amarasekare, KG and PW Shearer. 2013. Life history comparison of two green lacewings species, Chrysoperla
johnsoni and Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Environmental Entomology. (in
- Amarasekare, KG and PW Shearer. 2013. Comparing effects of insecticides on two green lacewing species,
Chrysoperla johnsoni and Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Journal of
Economic Entomology 106:1126-1133. (PDF 115KB)
- Amarasekare, KG and PW Shearer. 2013. Laboratory bioassays to estimate the lethal and sublethal effects
of various insecticides and fungicides on Deraeocoris brevis (Hemiptera: Miridae). Journal of
Economic Entomology. 106: 776-785. (PDF 167KB)
- Beers EH. 2012. Effect of trap color and orientation on the capture of Aphelinus mali
(Haldeman) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of woolly apple aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). J.
Econ. Entomol. 105: 1342-1349.
- Brunner JF, JE Dunley, EH Beers, and VP Jones. 2007. Building a multi-tactic biologically intensive pest
management system for Washington orchards. In: Crop Protection Products for Organic
Agriculture: Environmental, Health, and Efficacy Assessment. A. S. Felsot and K. D. Racke (eds.).
American Chemical Society Symposium Series 947. pp.131-143.
(PDF 3.5MB)
- Gallardo RK, Q Wang. 2013. “Willingness to Pay for Pesticides’ Environmental Features and Social
Desirability Bias: The Case of Apple and Pear Growers.” J. Agric. Res. Econ. 38:124-139.
- Gallardo RK, D Toro-Gonzalez, JR Goldberger, N Lehrer, JF Brunner. “Factors Affecting the Adoption of
Integrated Pest Control, An Application to the Pacific Northwest Pear Industry.” J. Agric. Res. Econ.
- Gontijo L, EH Beers, WE Snyder. 2013. Flowers promote aphid suppression in apple orchards. Biol. Contr.
(in press).
- Gontijo L, SD Cockfield, EH Beers. 2012. Natural enemies of woolly apple aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in
Washington state. Environ. Entomol. 41: 1364-1371.
- Horton DR, E. Miliczky, VP Jones, CC Baker, TR Unruh. 2012. Diversity and phenology of the generalist
predator community in apple orchards of Central Washington State (Insecta, Araneae) Can. Entomol. 144:
691-710. (PDF 956KB)
- Horton, DR, VP Jones, TR Unruh. 2009. Use of a new immunomarking method to assess movement by generalist
predators between a cover crop and tree canopy in a pear orchard. Am. Entomol. 55:49-56.
- Jones VP, R Hilton, JF Brunner, WJ Bentley, DG Alston, B Barrett, RA Van Steenwyk, LA Hull, JF
Walgenbach, WW Coates, TJ Smith. 2013. Predicting emergence of codling moth, Cydia pomonella
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in North America. J. Pest Management Sci.
(PDF 250KB)
- Jones VP, NG Wiman. 2013. Age-based mating success in codling moth and obliquebanded leafroller. J.
Insect Sci., (In press) (PDF 1.4MB)
- Jones VP, NG Wiman. 2012. Modeling the interaction of physiological time, seasonal weather patterns, and
delayed mating on population dynamics of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae). Popul. Ecology, 54:421-429.
- Jones VP, SA Steffan, NG Wiman, DR Horton, E Miliczky, QH Zhang, CC Baker. 2011. Evaluation of
herbivore-induced plant volatiles for monitoring green lacewings in Washington apple orchards. Biol.
Control. read
online (PDF 115KB)
- Jones VP, SA Steffan, LA Hull, JF Brunner, DJ Biddinger. 2010. Effects of the loss of organophosphate
pesticides in the US: Opportunities and needs to improve IPM programs. Outlooks in Pest Management
(invited paper) 21:161-166. (PDF 360KB).
- Jones VP, JF Brunner, GG Grove , B Petit, GV Tangren and WE Jones. 2010. A web-based decision support
system to enhance IPM programs in Washington tree fruits. Pest Management Sci.
online (PDF 311KB)
- Jones VP, TR Unruh, DR Horton, NJ Mills, JF Brunner, EH Beers and PW Shearer. (2009) Tree Fruit IPM
Programs in the Western United States: The challenge of enhancing biological control through intensive
management. Pest Management Sci. 65: 1305-1310. (PDF
- Pfannestiel RS, BE Mackey, TR Unruh. 2012. Leafroller parasisism across an orchard landscape in central
Washington and effect of neighboring rose habitats on parasitism. Biological Control. 62:162-172.
- Schmidt RA, EH Beers, TR Unruh, DR Horton. 2013. Releases of insectary-reared Galendromus
occidentalis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in commercial apple orchards. J. Econ. Entomol. 106. (in press)
- Smith TJ. 2012. Effects of flight and sublethal pesticide residues on codling moth (Cydia
pomonella (L.), obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), and convergent
ladybird beetle, Hippodamia convergens (Guérin‐Méneville). MS Thesis, Washington State
University, Department of Entomology, Pullman, WA.
- Steffan SA, Y Chikaraishi, DR Horton, N Ohkouchi, ME Singleton, EJ Bosak, E Milicyky, DB Hogg, VP Jones.
2013. Trophic hierarchies unmasked via amino acid isotopic analysis. PLOS ONE 8: 1-10
- Steffan, S.A., and W.E. Snyder. 2010. Cascading diversity effects transmitted exclusively by behavioral
interactions. Ecology (in press
PDF 308KB).
- Unruh TR, LA Lacey, HL Headrick, RS Pfannenstiel. 2012. The effect of the granulosis virus (PapyGV) on
larval mortality and feeding behavior of the Pandemis leafroller, Pandemis pyrusana (Kearfott)
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Biocontrol Sci. Techn. 22:981-990.
- Unruh, TR, RS Pfannenstiel, C Peters, JF Brunner and VP Jones. 2012. Parasitism of leafrollers in
Washington fruit orchards is enhanced by perimeter plantings of rose and strawberry. Biol. Control
62:162-172. (PDF 2MB)
- Unruh TR. 2004. Rose Gardens Make Fruit Orchards More Inviting to Friendly Wasps. Agricultural Research
Magazine. 52(1).
read online
(PDF 956Kb)
- Wiman NG. VP Jones. 2013. Attack biology and egg maturation strategy of two tachinid parasitoids of
leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) pests in tree fruit. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 106: 485-490.
- Wiman, NG, VP Jones. Influence of oviposition strategy of Nemorilla pyste and Nilea
erecta (Diptera: Tachinidae) on parasitoid fertility and host mortality. Biol. Control 64:195-202 (PDK
816KB) or online
- Wiman NG, VP Jones. Sublethal effects of pyriproxyfen and methoxyfenozide on Nemorilla pyste
and Nilea erecta (Diptera: Tachinidae), parasitoids of leafrollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
in tree fruits. J. Pest Management Sci. (in press)
Trade/Popular Articles (Articles developed from investigator interviews or research results.)
- Jones, W, A Gadino, U Chambers, J Brunner. Part 8: Outreach: the final goal. Good Fruit Grower. May 15,
2013. read online or
download pdf
- Goldberger, J, W Jones amd N Lehrer. Part 7: Pear growers surveyed on biological control. Good Fruit
Grower. May 1, 2013. read
online or download
- Chambers, U, N Mills, E Beers, T Unruh, P Shearer, J Brunner, K Amarasekare and V Jones. Part 6: Your
managemet program matters. Good Fruit Grower. April 15, 2013.
read online or
download pdf
- Warner, G. How integrated mite control works. Good Fruit Grower. April 1, 2013.
read online
- Gallardo, K, and J Brunner. Part 5: Calculating the value of biological control. Good Fruit Grower.
April 1, 2013. read online
or download pdf
- Gadino, A, T Unruh, J Brunner. Part 4: Codling Moth: It's what's for dinner. Good Fruit Grower. March
15, 2013. read online or
download pdf
- Gadino, A., V Jones, N Mills, P Shearer, T Unruh, J Brunner. Part 3. A New Tool for IPM: Natual enemy
models. Good Fruit Grower. March 1, 2013.
read online or
download pdf
- Bixby-Brosi, A, V Jones, D Horton, T Unruh, N Mills, P Shearer, J Brunner. Part 2. Enhancing Biocontrol:
Natural Enemy Inventory. Good Fruit Grower. Feb. 15, 2013.
read online or
download pdf
- Chambers, U, V Jones, A Gadino, W Jones, N Mills, J Brunner. Part 1. Enhancing Biocontrol: Overview.
Good Fruit Grower. Feb. 1, 2013. read
online or download
- Warner, G. Watch out, codling moth! Spiders will eat anything they can physically tackle, including
codling moth larvae and pupae. Good Fruit Grower. May 1, 2012.
- Hansen, M. Easier access to MRLs. Visit the DAS web site. Good Fruit Grower. March 15, 2012.
read online
- Warner, G. Let natural enemies play a role. IPM means managing pests, not eliminating them. Good Fruit
Grower. February 1, 2012.
read online
- Clark, B. Entomologists Open New Frontiers to Aid Sustainable Future for Fruit Growers. WSU On
Solid Ground. May 25, 2011.
- Warner, G. Focusing on tomorrow today. Lesrn how natural enemies play a role in precision IPM. Good
Fruit Grower. December 1, 2011.
read online
- Warner, G. Pest Help at your fingertips. WSU's Decision Aid System provides an easy way to check on the
status of pests and diseases. Good Fruit Grower. December 1, 2011.
- Warner, G. Who's making the decisions? Scientists want to get pest information into the hands of
growers. Good Fruit Grower. May 15, 2011.
- Warner, G. Counting the benefits of biocontrol. A more expensive pesticide might be more economical it
it lets natural enemies do their work. Good Fruit Grower. May 1, 2011.
- Warner, G. Cutting costs of IPM. Automated monitoring would cut labor cost of integrated pest
management. Good Fruit Grower. May 1, 2011.
read online
- Wheat, D. Western innovator: Man makes bug research relevant. Capitol Press. April 21, 2011.
- Warner, G. Who's eating codling moth? Calculatng predators' per-capita consumption. Good Fruit Grower.
April 15, 2011. read
- Warner, G. Scientists study pesticide effects: The choice and timing of pesticide sprays can influence
biological control. Good Fruit Grower. April 1, 2011.
download PDF
- Warner, G. Watch out for the good guys: Biological control is probably more important than people
realize. Good Fruit Grower. March 15, 2011.
- Warner, G. $4.5 million project. Good Fruit Grower. March 15, 2011.
- Warner, G. 2010. Know your enemies: Traps showing the kind and abundance of natural enemies in the
orchard could help enhance IPM. Good Fruit Grower.
- Steury, T. 2010. Cultivated landscapes: The kinder, gentler orchard. Washington State Magazine
9(4):38-43 (PDF 1.24MB)
- Jones VP, TR Unruh, DR. Horton, and JF Brunner. 2006. Improving Apple IPM by Maximizing Opportunities
for Biological Control. Good Fruit Grower. 57(12) Special Insert. 8pps.
(PDF 6.8MB)