Dr. Kaushalya Amarasekare demonstrates how to rear the green lacewing Chyrosperla johnsoni
in a laboratory setting at the OSU Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Hood
River, OR, USA.
Dr. Elizabeth Beers defines and explains the need for mesocosm studies to determine the sublethal
effects of pesticides on natural enemies. This video then demonstrates how to set up such an
analysis for the Western predatory mite, Galandromus occidentals in the laboratory located
at the Washington State University Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee, WA, USA.
Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles, or HIPV for short, are useful natural enemy attractants. We
demonstrate how to make HIPV lures, assemple various traps and place them in an orchard to monitor
natural enemies.
To learn more about our work with HIPV lures, check out the Objective 3 results:
2009201020112012 (click on the Obj. 3 tab).
Project Director Dr. Vince Jones was invited to give his unscripted opinion about the future of IPM
for orchard crops. This is part of a
Viewpoints video
series produced by UC Extension Specialist Dr. Marshall Johnson at the UCR Parlier,
Experiment Station. Dr. Jones is a Professor of Entomology for Washington State University at the
Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee, WA. and has over 35 years experisnce in
orchard IPM and biological control.
A handfull of select tree fruit industry pest managers volunteered to help us evaluate the
usefulness of HIPV lure traps for monitoring green lacewing adults in their orchards. At the end of
the season we asked them to comment about various aspects of trap use. Their comments and
insightswere invaluable to refine and improve the trap for a repeat trail the following year.
We interviewed several crop consultants about their experiences with enhancing biocontrol in the
orchards they manage. In this video, Mike Robinson shares his perspectives. Mike has over 30 years
experience with orchard IPM, with the last 10 or more years using biocontrol as a major component.
His insights should be helpful to anyone using or thinking of using biocontrol as part of their
management practices.
Sublethal pesticide effects on insects can manifest in many ways. One subtle effect can be on flying
behavior: how long/far they fly, how often, and periodicity of flight. The flight mill is one way to
measure the effected flight behaviors. Graduate Student Teah Smith demonstrates how to attach a moth
to a flight mill used in such experiments. For more information visit the
Flight Mill
page. The original design and development of the Flight Mill was by
Dr. Steven
Naranjo of the USDA-ARS Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center at Maricopa, AZ USA.